30 Reasons to Love Travel Nursing

We know our travelers find great fulfillment in their work, knowing they are making a difference while also enjoying the new opportunities that come from travel nursing. As we celebrate 30 years in business, we asked our elite team what they love most about Travel Nursing. Here are some of their responses…

1 I think the main thing I love about travel nursing is diversity. I get the opportunity to work with different people, in different settings, and with different policies and protocols every few months! It keeps things fresh, and it has helped me develop a wider scope of experiences and learning. I love it!


2 I love travel nursing because I get to see how different hospitals, units and team members approach patient care.


3 The thing that I love most about travel nursing is the flexibility to make the best choices that balance my work and personal life.


4 The flexible schedules, endless experience, and frequent changes prevent the “burnout” feeling! Coming from a mother of two young children, it is the best decision I made. I am home every night and never miss a school function!


5 I love the challenges and friendships that travel nursing brings!


6 What I love about travel nursing for Fidelity On Call is that I am driven to be a beacon of excellence for myself, my peers, and most importantly, my patients.


7 I love collaborating with different healthcare teams from the various facilities I contract with. They are able to utilize my knowledge and expertise to streamline a process or policy.


8 I love the freedom and flexibility of travel nursing. Traveling has allowed me to work while pursuing my educational goals. I love travel nursing because of the professional growth I’ve experienced. Adapting in each experience has added to my skill sets. I have learned so much since becoming a travel nurse.


9 One of the things I love about travel nursing is the ability to simply take care of my patients without all the drama of the politics that interfere with nursing care from staff nurses!


10 I love the flexibility of travel nursing. I am able to choose contracts that allow me to maximize the time I can spend with my family. I also love getting to work with so many different people.


11 I have been traveling for many years. What I love about my job is all the places I have seen, the people I have met and the different ways to do the same things medically that I have learned. What I love about working for Fidelity is the personal treatment I receive from all the staff. I have never had a problem or concern my recruiter or support staff hasn’t taken care of. I truly love being an RN, further I know I work for the best company ever.


12 Travel nursing to me means being in control of my nursing journey. Working with Fidelity has allowed me to grow not only as a nurse, but as a person. Although I don’t travel far in mileage, I have stepped out of my comfort zone and it has been amazing. I look forward to many more adventures with Fidelity.


13 Working for Fidelity On Call allows me to love what I do. I get to take care of my patients and give the best possible care. I also can make an income capable of supporting my family and not have to work enormous amounts of overtime doing so.


14 Travel nursing is a great way to expand my professional resume while enjoying exciting new experiences. The thing I love is that I am given the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques that each different hospital uses as well as meet amazing staff members.


15 What I love about travel nursing is the opportunity to experience life beyond the hospital, meeting new people, and let’s not forget the pay is great and my benefits are unbeatable.


16 Beingng a nurse has impacted my life on so many levels. As a travel RN, the constant diversity has me learning, changing and growing on a daily basis. Professionally, I have never felt stronger and more proficient than I do now.


17 I love travel nursing because I get to meet new people and see new places. I also get to see a variety of different diagnoses and that helps keep my skills up to date.


18 I love the opportunity to explore a different facility, work with new people, and care for patients with a variety of different conditions.


19 What I love about travel nursing is it allows me to travel the world!


20 I enjoy travel nursing because of the opportunity to build so many wonderful friendships!


21 I love the challenge of being a travel nurse. It seems that there is always something new and exciting.


22 I have been a travel nurse for many years and would never go back to working at just one hospital again. It is great to have someone who advocates for me – not only the assignment but they have my back if there is a question or problem that needs to be addressed.


22 I love the freedom of traveling nursing – not tied down after one contract and you get to do what you want.


24 My absolute favorite thing about travel nursing is the flexibility it allows me in all aspects of my career.


25 I love travel nursing because I get to meet new people and learn new things/views instead of getting “stuck” in the same routines/treatments which allows me to better care and advocate for my patients.


26 I like that I can work three days and be home with my family.


27 I like what I do and learning more with each assignment I have. But, I also like my recruiter and the fact that I can always reach out to talk to someone when I feel stressed. She is always there for me.


28 I like that I can go from hospital to hospital. I don’t have to stay at the same one. Sometimes, I need that break.


29 Travel nursing offers me much more experience because I get a wide diversity of patients. I like that I am always learning and growing with every hospital that I am at.


30 I have worked for several nurse agencies. find that the company I work for makes a big difference in how I feel about my assignment. Fidelity On Call has always been there for me. I like how I am treated by my recruiter and I also like that the company recognizes me when I do a good job.

30 Lessons Learned

Fidelity On Call has been providing the highest quality patient care for 30 years as a travel nursing company! After that many years in business, we’ve learned a lot, which is why we continue to thrive! Here is a collection of some of the best lessons learned about travel nursing that have stood the test of time.

1 Not every great nurse makes a great traveler.


2 Not all travel nurses make great FOC travel nurses.


3 Trust only those who have proven to be trustworthy.


4 Never hire someone whose first concern is the amount of money they will make.


5 Always do the right thing. . . it will reap rewards.


6 It is our job to knock on doors – we cannot MAKE them open.


7 Don’t work with customers who won’t pay their bills without being hounded. It wears you out and they are using you.


8 You cannot be all things to all people. Be targeted . . . stay on your mission.


9 Don’t staff at facilities that don’t share your mission. When we care and they don’t, it just burns our employees out.


10 There are external factors that affect your business. Just keep targeted, continually research, change what needs changing, grow, and update.


11 If you hire a staff member that is never happy, it is not worth the energy it takes.


12 Don’t take things too personally. Potential customers and nurses say no, they leave, they don’t always behave as we would like. We are only responsible for our reaction to it.


13 Lies will always be found out. It is better to tell the and deal with the facts.


14 Sometimes you have to wait a long time to see your efforts pay off. Be patient. Don’t lose hope.


15 Treat your employees fairly. Never break a promise.


16 If someone is motivated by greed, they are not the right person for the job.


17 When an employee thinks the grass is greener on the other side, let them go and find out.


18 Communication is the essence of every good business.


19 Continually invest in your business.


20 Not all business is good business. It is okay to walk away from a customer.


21 Agencies that are not reliable or honest don’t last. Eventually the word gets out.


22 When in doubt – check it out (compliance issues). Documentation can be forged!


23 Life is easier when you hire good people.


24 You might not be the biggest company, but you can stand apart from others with your quality and integrity.


25 The government will continue to make more rules and regulations. It can be very frustrating . . . but sometimes, they work in your favor.


26 Mergers and acquisitions happen everyday. But there is always a need for travel nursing.


27 A reputation built on integrity, honesty and reliability stands the test of time.


28 Stress and stressful times happen. How we get through those times are the test of our character and determination.


29 “The more things change the more they stay the same.” Keep hold of the good things!


30 As Winston Churchill said: Never, never, never give up!

The Ultimate Travel Nursing Packing List

We are more than excited to welcome new travel nurses to the community. However, we know that packing can be stressful. What do I bring? What is essential?

It is important to note that if you are traveling out of state or far from home, you will need both the essentials and comfort items. Items that you may want or need to make yourself feel at home while living at a distance while you create a home-away-from-home for yourself.

Below are some essentials to pack with you when you travel:

  • Scrubs: We all know you can never have too many.
  • Medication: Taking care of and staying on top of your own health is important to thriving. Bringing prescriptions, stomach medication, eye drops, allergy medication, and more can help provide a comfortable traveling experience.
  • Lounge/Exercise Wear: It is important to dress comfortably while relaxing at home or exploring your new location. Being comfortable in your clothing is important to take on any changes with certainty.
  • Clothing: Depending on what time of year it is and where you will be traveling to, ensure you have the clothes needed for the designation ahead! Whether it is tank tops or thick sweaters, make sure to pack what you will need.
  • Toiletries: Bringing your favorite hygiene items will make you more comfortable while traveling and taking on a new career.
  • Comfort Items: Perhaps you have a favorite blanket, coffee mug, or picture. All of these things can be important to making sure you take this new journey with confidence.
  • Hobby Items: Of course you will have time off. You may take this time to explore the area, or sometimes you’ll want the time to decompress with your favorite things to do. Don’t forget that favorite book, the knitting project you’ve been working on, or other craft and essential supplies.
  • Other Necessities: Chargers, laptops, earbuds, phone, laundry needs, flashlight, batteries, and anything else you may need in your new home. Don’t forget, the small things can often be the most impactful.

If you need anything during your assignment, we are here to make sure that you are comfortable and successful.

The Spring Season – A Time for Joy… And Sickness

As spring quickly approaches, most people are overjoyed with the warmer weather, longer days, and flowering plants. After all, spring is just a hop, skip, and jump away from summer pool days. However, spring is also the time for peak-season colds, thanks to the change in the weather.

It is important to us that our travel team stay healthy as the season changes. As healthcare workers, prevention is nothing new. However, we want to give out a gentle reminder about things to keep in mind during the coming weeks to prevent as many of these seasonal colds as possible.

  • Stay Hydrated: A key to much of our health is the amount of water that we consume every day. It may seem small, but making sure you drink enough water can be a great help in making sure you stay healthy.
  • Wash Your Hands: As we all know, this is nothing new. But with the various viruses and germs making their way around, this is a simple way to keep from catching anything that could be spread around.
  • Exercise: This is a great way to manage stress. Taking a daily walk, doing some stretching, or getting in the weight room is a good way to keep your body moving and endorphins pumping. Stress can be a quiet influence to causing a cold, and doing what you can to reduce that as much as possible can help in prevention in so many ways.
  • Rest: Making sure to get plenty of sleep every day is perhaps most important. Not getting enough sleep can quickly run down your body, and cause many other issues, including an open invitation to an uninvited virus.

Our traveler’s health is important to us, and we want to make sure we are doing our own part, and we encourage you to take the precautions available to do so as well.

How to Reach Your Goals With Fidelity

Statics tell us that after the 3rd week in January, we have already forgotten our goals for the new year. We want to remind you that, as spring slowly approaches, the time to put your goals into action is now. Are you ready to explore a new career opportunity? Do you need more flexibility in your schedule? Are you a parent or a student? Is it time for a career change?

Travel nursing is popular for providing an opportunity to its nurses to expand their knowledge, practice, and network with peers. Beyond that, travel nursing has a reputation for creating a flexible space to create a schedule tailored to the individual nurse.

Creating a space for growth and career satisfaction, travel nursing can very well be the answer to one of your goals. One big opportunity that it provides is the ability to travel and try out new places, where a nurse, as an individual, can carve out a space for themselves. Being able to explore new options, places, and opportunities not only increases the probability of prosperity, but most importantly, it decreases the possibility of burnout.

Often, spring goals are centered around putting ourselves first.

  • Perhaps taking a new leap or facing a challenge.
  • Bettering oneself in various ways, whether it be emotional or physical health.
  • Maybe it isn’t about a change within ourselves, but a time to alter ourselves socially. From our workspace to our friends, all of which impact our moods, priorities, and everyday lives.

This is the time to create a new space for yourself within your career. Putting yourself first in your career is possible, and we are here to offer you that help and guidance in order to make your spring goals possible.