Communication: Recruiters Behind The Scenes

Good communication with your recruiter means they can work hard for you behind the scenes.

In this video, our COO, Kellie, and Recruiting Specialist, Amiah, share how maintaining open communication with recruiters is crucial to ensure the best possible outcome for travelers.

From finding positions or assignments that fit your needs, to calling your references, or making sure your profile is ready for submission, there are always things happening in the background.

To successfully place the volume of travelers that we place, not only in the state of Illinois, but more recently in Iowa as well as other states across the country, it takes a lot of background work.

If you’re interested in having someone working behind the scenes for you, reach out to us today!
(309) 691-1500

30 Lessons Learned

Fidelity On Call has been providing the highest quality patient care for 30 years as a travel nursing company! After that many years in business, we’ve learned a lot, which is why we continue to thrive! Here is a collection of some of the best lessons learned about travel nursing that have stood the test of time.

1 Not every great nurse makes a great traveler.


2 Not all travel nurses make great FOC travel nurses.


3 Trust only those who have proven to be trustworthy.


4 Never hire someone whose first concern is the amount of money they will make.


5 Always do the right thing. . . it will reap rewards.


6 It is our job to knock on doors – we cannot MAKE them open.


7 Don’t work with customers who won’t pay their bills without being hounded. It wears you out and they are using you.


8 You cannot be all things to all people. Be targeted . . . stay on your mission.


9 Don’t staff at facilities that don’t share your mission. When we care and they don’t, it just burns our employees out.


10 There are external factors that affect your business. Just keep targeted, continually research, change what needs changing, grow, and update.


11 If you hire a staff member that is never happy, it is not worth the energy it takes.


12 Don’t take things too personally. Potential customers and nurses say no, they leave, they don’t always behave as we would like. We are only responsible for our reaction to it.


13 Lies will always be found out. It is better to tell the and deal with the facts.


14 Sometimes you have to wait a long time to see your efforts pay off. Be patient. Don’t lose hope.


15 Treat your employees fairly. Never break a promise.


16 If someone is motivated by greed, they are not the right person for the job.


17 When an employee thinks the grass is greener on the other side, let them go and find out.


18 Communication is the essence of every good business.


19 Continually invest in your business.


20 Not all business is good business. It is okay to walk away from a customer.


21 Agencies that are not reliable or honest don’t last. Eventually the word gets out.


22 When in doubt – check it out (compliance issues). Documentation can be forged!


23 Life is easier when you hire good people.


24 You might not be the biggest company, but you can stand apart from others with your quality and integrity.


25 The government will continue to make more rules and regulations. It can be very frustrating . . . but sometimes, they work in your favor.


26 Mergers and acquisitions happen everyday. But there is always a need for travel nursing.


27 A reputation built on integrity, honesty and reliability stands the test of time.


28 Stress and stressful times happen. How we get through those times are the test of our character and determination.


29 “The more things change the more they stay the same.” Keep hold of the good things!


30 As Winston Churchill said: Never, never, never give up!

Choosing Your Agency

As we navigate 2024, our focus is on taking charge of our lives – striving for fulfillment, value and direction in our life’s journey. One path that offers this control and satisfaction is travel nursing. When you choose travel nursing, you have the power to select your own contracts, hospitals and locations.

These choices not only contribute to your personal happiness and fulfillment as a nurse but also create wider opportunities. You gain diverse experiences, work within different healthcare systems, and explore new areas while meeting new people.

Life is full of changes and challenges, but exploring new locations and work environments can unlock dozens of new doors. Healthcare is vast and full of opportunities; a single change can reveal all it has to offer.

However, to fully leverage our healthcare system’s potential for you, you must partner with the right agency – one that values your skills, experience, and individuality. The agency you choose defines your travel experience and the opportunities available to you.

We proudly declare that we are that agency! At Fidelity On Call, we are committed to representing you. What do you value? What are you looking for? How can we tailor this travel experience to fulfill not just your wants but your needs?

Our agency has thrived for three decades, celebrating our 30th anniversary in June 2024. Our recruiters are experienced and dedicated, ready to assist you every step of the way. If travel nursing is a journey you are looking for, we are here every day, eager to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. We look forward to meeting you!

Contact us by email or give us a call: 309-691-1500

Why Do You Ask For So Many Health Documents?

A question we often get is, “Why do we ask for so many health documents?”

The short answer is that Fidelity On Call has governing bodies to answer to. In fact, any reputable healthcare agency would have the same. Here in Illinois, we have:

✔ Illinois Department of Labor Health requirements
✔ Joint Commission
✔ Healthcare Facility Clients

You may find it interesting that every healthcare facility we work with requires different health documentation. In a perfect world it would be one unified list of requirements but, as you likely know from working IN healthcare, that is not the case.

To the point, our onboarding team here at Fidelity On Call is second to none. They streamline the entire process. So, while initially the request for information may seem overwhelming, when you work with one of our experienced healthcare onboarding professionals, they will walk you through resourcing and obtaining most things you already have, and if not, they will arrange for you to get what you need! It really is that simple. Also, they will save those items into your electronic file for future use should you need them!

Here are the basics you will need:

✔ Annual Physical
✔ Annual one step TB
✔ Covid/Flu Documentation or Declination
✔ Hep B (Series, titer or declination)
✔ MMR & Varicella (either two vaccines or titers showing immunity)
✔ Tdap within the last 10 years

As you can see, all these items you had to provide when starting nursing school. For some you may recall, for others you may not remember. WE CAN and WILL HELP!

Where We Are as 2023 Comes to an End

Kellie and Carla are back at the roundtable for another insightful discussion on Fidelity On Call’s year in review in the travel healthcare industry. In our last episode, we recapped the highs and lows of the past year, both as a company and as a team. Now, let’s look closer at the year 2023 to see where we stand in the industry and explore the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Leading the Way in Travel Healthcare

With almost three decades of experience, Fidelity On Call proudly continues to be an industry leader in travel healthcare. Our commitment to excellence has led to significant accomplishments this year, particularly in streamlining our practices. Despite the increasing demand from facilities, we’ve managed to create a more manageable pace through our enhanced application processes.

Navigating the Fast-Paced Industry

In the ever-evolving landscape of travel healthcare, our hiring practices remain focused on attracting high-quality professionals. Recognizing the fast-paced nature of the industry, quick turnaround times are crucial. As both recruiters and a company, staying on top of our game is paramount to capitalizing on opportunities. Fidelity On Call has received rave reviews from travelers who have experienced our streamlined process, setting us apart from other agencies across Illinois.

Proud Achievements and Client Appreciation

Our clients value the efficiency we bring to the table. When they call Fidelity, they can count on us to deliver the staffing solutions they need promptly. The positive feedback we’ve received is a testament to our strong turnaround times and commitment to excellence. Notably, we remain Joint Commission accredited. This year brought changes to state regulations, but we quickly adapted and are adhering to those guidelines.

Staying Strong Amid Challenges

The work involved in adjusting to the new regulations in Illinois has caused some agencies to exit the market. However, Fidelity On Call stands resilient, weathering the storm and remaining steadfast after many years in the making.

We appreciate your continued support, and we’re excited to share more about our journey in upcoming videos!