

Placement Services

Contract Staffing

If you have an opening that you need filled, simply tell us what it is.
We will only present candidates that meet your specific job description, who are willing to work at your facility, who have a positive can-do attitude and who are proven professionals.


Most of our contracts are for 13 week assignments; however, we will work to supply your need if the contract is for a longer or shorter period.


Permanent Placement
If you need help pursing candidates for permanent placement, we will work for you with no up-front retainer.


Facility Staffing
Fidelity On Call knows what it takes to provide quality healthcare staff members to hospitals.
Having started in 1994, we have a proven track record both in terms of the quality of our staff and our service.


In the event that Fidelity On Call is not able to fill a position within your hospital, we can coordinate the use of secondary vendors.


As your Facility Staff Management team we can save you time, money and manpower.


You will find that Fidelity On Call will treat you with the professionalism you deserve.


We will never ask you to fill an assignment that is not a complete match with your skills. You will never be presented to a facility until you have given us the go ahead. No matter how you choose to work for Fidelity On Call, you will receive top pay, benefits, allowances and bonuses that are some of the best in the industry.