Communication: Recruiters Behind The Scenes

Good communication with your recruiter means they can work hard for you behind the scenes.

In this video, our COO, Kellie, and Recruiting Specialist, Amiah, share how maintaining open communication with recruiters is crucial to ensure the best possible outcome for travelers.

From finding positions or assignments that fit your needs, to calling your references, or making sure your profile is ready for submission, there are always things happening in the background.

To successfully place the volume of travelers that we place, not only in the state of Illinois, but more recently in Iowa as well as other states across the country, it takes a lot of background work.

If you’re interested in having someone working behind the scenes for you, reach out to us today!
(309) 691-1500

The Spring Season – A Time for Joy… And Sickness

As spring quickly approaches, most people are overjoyed with the warmer weather, longer days, and flowering plants. After all, spring is just a hop, skip, and jump away from summer pool days. However, spring is also the time for peak-season colds, thanks to the change in the weather.

It is important to us that our travel team stay healthy as the season changes. As healthcare workers, prevention is nothing new. However, we want to give out a gentle reminder about things to keep in mind during the coming weeks to prevent as many of these seasonal colds as possible.

  • Stay Hydrated: A key to much of our health is the amount of water that we consume every day. It may seem small, but making sure you drink enough water can be a great help in making sure you stay healthy.
  • Wash Your Hands: As we all know, this is nothing new. But with the various viruses and germs making their way around, this is a simple way to keep from catching anything that could be spread around.
  • Exercise: This is a great way to manage stress. Taking a daily walk, doing some stretching, or getting in the weight room is a good way to keep your body moving and endorphins pumping. Stress can be a quiet influence to causing a cold, and doing what you can to reduce that as much as possible can help in prevention in so many ways.
  • Rest: Making sure to get plenty of sleep every day is perhaps most important. Not getting enough sleep can quickly run down your body, and cause many other issues, including an open invitation to an uninvited virus.

Our traveler’s health is important to us, and we want to make sure we are doing our own part, and we encourage you to take the precautions available to do so as well.

How to START your Travel Healthcare Professional Career Part 2

As we mentioned in PART ONE, thirty years in the healthcare travel industry gives our experienced, professional healthcare recruiters knowledge that so many others do not yet have.

Once you have researched agencies, connected with a recruiter, and have some clinical experience under your belt you should follow these next steps:

  • CREATE your RESUME: While you will be or should be required to complete an employment application with any reputable agency you seek, it is always a great idea to have an up-to-date resume to ship over to your recruiter to save you both time and energy. Detailed work histories are not only important in the process but required by every potential client.
  • PREPARE your DOCUMENTATION: Gather necessary documentation like transcripts, licenses, certifications, and immunization records. Every facility has unique requirements for a traveler to work in their facility, but the above items are wanted by every facility. The rest will come when the onboarding and credentialing team know the location selected.
  • Location and Housing Options: Perhaps you wish to start traveling locally or at minimum in the same state. Discuss what you need for housing and what is available. Perhaps you wish to work housing out on your own. You may also want to use the agency housing specialist to set it up on your behalf.

Now is the time. Reach out to one of our experienced recruiters to get all your questions answered. Leave us a message or call (309) 691-1500. You can also check us out and chat with us on our social networking sites.

How to START your Travel Healthcare Professional Career Part 1

This year Fidelity On Call will celebrate its 30th year in the industry. We have a team of the best healthcare professional recruiters in the industry and partner with some of the best healthcare facilities in the country. With that background, we want you to be a success in your travel career so we are sharing  some information for selecting your travel company.

  • Research Agencies: Explore reputable travel nursing agencies. Get to know their length of time in business, payroll practices, reviews, and benefits offered.
  • Connect with Recruiters: Reach out to recruiters at the travel nursing agencies you’re interested in. Discuss your preferences, goals, and availability. Be transparent and ensure the agency allows you to switch recruiters if needed.
  • Gain Experience: You will need to acquire at least one to two years of clinical experience in your chosen specialty. Travel nursing requires experienced professionals and an experienced recruiter can help navigate this with you. We have many future RNs who reach out to us. We will keep you in our files and answer questions as you gain the experience you need in order to travel.

Start the research today! It’s a new year, new month. Now is the time. Reach out now to one of our experienced recruiters and ask all the questions. Contact us or call (309) 691-1500. You can also check us out and chat with us on our socials.

Read more: How to START your Travel Healthcare Professional Career Part 2

Are You Pursuing Your Dream Career?

Defining a dream career requires a nuanced understanding of the disparity between a mere job and a fulfilling career. Typically, a job is perceived as a position of employment, while a career is viewed as an occupation or profession, often demanding specialized training and serving as one’s lifelong pursuit.

Unfortunately, many healthcare professionals find themselves trapped in the routine of viewing their career as merely a job—a cycle of clocking in and out far, removed from the envisioned fulfilling path.

When healthcare professionals pursued their licenses or certifications, they were driven by the vision of a fulfilling career, persevering through demanding study sessions, late nights, and early mornings while balancing full- or part-time jobs. However, the reality they now face often feels more like a nightmare and a political charade rather than the dream they had hoped to achieve.

Many healthcare workers are facing overwhelming challenges due to feelings of depression, anxiety, and resentment. These emotions have made it difficult for them to continue in their roles, leading to a significant shortage of staff across the country.

In response, many healthcare professionals have discovered a sense of comfort in pursuing travel healthcare as their “dream” job. Although working for an agency may not have been their original career intention, it has become the preferred path for millions of satisfied healthcare professionals over the past four decades.

The appeal of the travel healthcare industry is rooted in the sense of freedom, flexibility, and stability it provides. For those who prioritize financial considerations, travel healthcare offers the freedom and flexibility to regain control, placing the professional back in the driver’s seat and reigniting the once-bright dream.

If you’re yearning to pursue your dream and are searching for more freedom, flexibility, and a balanced work-life approach, look no further. Connect with one of Fidelity On Call’s experienced and professional healthcare recruitment specialists to explore how we can help you attain the dream career you deserve.

Send us a message or give us a call: (309) 691-1500