Happy Nurses Week!

Fidelity On Call is happy to celebrate National Nurses Week (May 6 to May 12) with you all! Healthcare never sleeps, and all of you make this machine run all day, every day across the nation.

For those who didn’t know, this week was first brought up back in October of 1954, but wasn’t officially recognized until 1990. While it took some time for it to be made official, we are here ready to scream from the rooftops our support for our nurses everywhere!

Healthcare is a vital part of our society and allows everyone to go about their day to day lives, as healthy and as safely as they can. Nurses are there for people through the hardest of times, and the happiest of times. This week we are here to appreciate all the things you do.

This week is important in recognizing the true heroes that we are surrounded by every single day. Nurses make the difference for everyone, everywhere, at one point or another in each individual life. We simply would be lost without you all.

In order to celebrate we are posting all week long to honor our very special nurses! We have designed custom T-shirts for our team that you will be receiving shortly and are looking forward to celebrating all that you do! We can’t thank you enough for being a part of our team.

You are special to all of us at Fidelity On Call, and we are ready to give the recognition and thanks that you deserve. Happy Nurses Week!

Are You Pursuing Your Dream Career?

Defining a dream career requires a nuanced understanding of the disparity between a mere job and a fulfilling career. Typically, a job is perceived as a position of employment, while a career is viewed as an occupation or profession, often demanding specialized training and serving as one’s lifelong pursuit.

Unfortunately, many healthcare professionals find themselves trapped in the routine of viewing their career as merely a job—a cycle of clocking in and out far, removed from the envisioned fulfilling path.

When healthcare professionals pursued their licenses or certifications, they were driven by the vision of a fulfilling career, persevering through demanding study sessions, late nights, and early mornings while balancing full- or part-time jobs. However, the reality they now face often feels more like a nightmare and a political charade rather than the dream they had hoped to achieve.

Many healthcare workers are facing overwhelming challenges due to feelings of depression, anxiety, and resentment. These emotions have made it difficult for them to continue in their roles, leading to a significant shortage of staff across the country.

In response, many healthcare professionals have discovered a sense of comfort in pursuing travel healthcare as their “dream” job. Although working for an agency may not have been their original career intention, it has become the preferred path for millions of satisfied healthcare professionals over the past four decades.

The appeal of the travel healthcare industry is rooted in the sense of freedom, flexibility, and stability it provides. For those who prioritize financial considerations, travel healthcare offers the freedom and flexibility to regain control, placing the professional back in the driver’s seat and reigniting the once-bright dream.

If you’re yearning to pursue your dream and are searching for more freedom, flexibility, and a balanced work-life approach, look no further. Connect with one of Fidelity On Call’s experienced and professional healthcare recruitment specialists to explore how we can help you attain the dream career you deserve.

Send us a message or give us a call: (309) 691-1500

Freedom and Flexibility for Travel Nurses

Fidelity On Call is all about freedom and flexibility. Whatever phase you are in your healthcare career, you really are in the driver’s seat as a travel nurse! If you’re interested in travel nursing, explore our website for all your options. Message us with questions!

Check out this video running on WEEK that features our own Kellie Short!

Choices for Travel Nurses

Fidelity On Call is all about freedom and flexibility. If you’re burned out in the healthcare industry and looking for options, one thing that Fidelity On Call can offer you is choices. Whatever phase you are in your healthcare career, our job is to get you the job and opportunities that you want that fit this point in your life, whatever that may be. If you’re interested in becoming one of our elite team members, explore our website all your options. Message us with questions!

Change the Path You Are On

We all read and hear that there is a shortage of healthcare workers in our workforce and the numbers leaving seem to be climbing daily. We talk about mental health, patient to provider ratios, heath system politics, and all the reasons why people are choosing to leave healthcare.

With so many healthcare workers investing so much time and money in their career path, it seems unfathomable to see them leave healthcare all together.

Perhaps there is another path to consider that would allow you to fall in love with your healthcare career again. Would you like to:

  • Meet new people
  • Serve a community that is in need of someone with your professional skills
  • Work for an employer whose mission is to MAKE YOU HAPPY and find assignments that work for you
  • Develop personally and professionally
  • Enjoy work while finding balance in your work time vs time off

These are just a few ways to change your path or course of action to avoid burnout and frustration. Leaving a facility to work for a reputable travel healthcare agency is not a “risky” decision or just for the young, single, no kids, individual.

A successful healthcare agency, along with an experienced recruitment team, can work with most healthcare professionals and match them up with assignments that work for their individual circumstances.

In the end, a healthcare professional has nothing to lose in changing their path from staff work with corporate policies, to local or national travel healthcare. The following steps need to be taken:

✔ Always send an appropriate notice in writing with a minimum of two weeks notice. Notice should be sent to the direct supervisor and HR representative.

✔ Always remain professional and diligent in the remaining days you work and prepare to leave regardless of the reasons you are leaving.

✔ Request letters of recommendation from any members of the leadership you have worked with.

Leaving on professional terms will almost certainly ensure your ability to return to that facility should you find the need to go back down the road. But many travelers leave staff work and remain traveling until they retire. Others may travel for a while, return to their “home” base facility for a while and then return to travel. Again, they are back and forth as it suits their needs.

In the rare instance a healthcare professional finds travel is just not for them, they always have the option to go back to their home base or find another facility to work as staff or truly leave healthcare all together.

You do owe it to yourself and your career to change course and explore all options before choosing to leave all together.

Why wait, let us help YOU CHANGE the PATH you are on NOW!