Summer Heat Requires Summer Safety

With spring in full bloom, summer is just around the corner. Many of us might be excited about going to the pool, taking a vacation, camping, or just being out and about in the sun.

The safety and health of our team members is one of our top priorities. While we are all excited to hear about your next adventure, we want to remind our superhero nurses to watch out for themselves as much as they watch out for others. Summer may be fun and warm, but there are some dangerous and even sneaky illnesses that can occur when you are having the most fun.

Below are some common illnesses that can happen to anyone during the hottest time of year, and some preventatives to battle them with.


As one of the most common medical emergencies in the summer, making sure to drink plenty of fluids when out in the sun is important to keep yourself healthy. It is important to remember that if you are severely dehydrated, this must be treated in a medical facility. While your first thought might be to push as many fluids as possible as soon as possible, this can potentially do more harm than good. Sip slowly and allow your body to catch up.

Sun Poisoning

A simple sunburn is not uncommon in the summer, however, a severe sunburn, aka sun poisoning, is a bit more serious. This can form blisters, bumps, and a rash on your skin from exposure. Sun poisoning can last for 2 to 3 days or persist for weeks with flu-like symptoms. So it is important to ensure that you, and those you are close with, wear sunscreen, reapply, and take some breaks in the shade to protect your skin.

Heat Exhaustion

As your body temperature continues to rise, and struggles to cool down, heat exhaustion can take over. Signs are excessive sweating and a rapid, weak heart rate. A person’s skin may be clammy, and they may be dizzy and/or nauseous. Their muscles might start cramping due to the heat and dehydration. This is reversible, by getting to a cooler area and using cold compresses to bring the body’s temperature back down.

Heat Stroke

This occurs when the body’s temperature goes over 103 degrees Fahrenheit, and the person is no longer sweating. They might now have a pounding headache, vomiting, and a rapid strong pulse. Their skin is red hot, and they might become unconscious. When this occurs, medical attention is immediately necessary.

Summer can be one of the best times of the year and we share these tips out of an abundance of caution. We hope you have a very safe and healthy summer! Can’t wait to see those vacation photos.

Summer Is Great for Travel – As Well As Safety

Summer is just around the corner and as many of us know, it can sometimes be one of the most chaotic. Between kids being home on summer break to going on family vacations, summer is always bound to make a splash.

Summer is also a great opportunity to take on a change. Contracts may be finishing out, vacation time might be in, and the yearn to explore may be strong.

But even the most seasoned of our travel nurses may need a reminder about travel safety when exploring both within and outside of our country.

We value the safety of our travelers, both when they are at work and when they are off. Here are some travel safety tips to keep you and your loved ones safe during the summer time:

  • Share Travel Plans: No matter the destination, sharing plans is a key way to make sure you are safe. Sharing with a loved one or trusted friend can be key in making sure you stay safe on your journey. Be sure to include an itinerary, the address, and a phone number. Check in every once in a while to let them know that you are safe, and everything is going as it should.


  • Do Your Research: It is common to want to explore a new place while on your summer vacation. While this may be fun, be sure to do your research about the place you are planning to explore. How does their transportation work? Do you need to take cash with you? If you are going out of the country, do they have an embassy or consulate you can register with as a traveler? Is there a hospital in the area? Perhaps security or local police?
  • Important Documents: If you are going outside of the country, be sure to have copies of documents such as your IDs and visas if you have them. Consider registering with the local embassy so they also have your passport information in case it is lost or stolen.
  • Be Aware: This is perhaps the most important. Be aware of your surroundings, where you are or plan on going. Keep an eye out for those you are traveling with and all belongings. Enjoy your time on vacation, but continually be aware of your surroundings.

There is much more that could be said for travel safety, but being aware of some of the basics can help to protect you when traveling and vacationing this summer. We hope your trip is amazing, and can’t wait to hear all about it!

Tips For First Time Travel Healthcare Professionals

Fidelity On Call has been in the business of travel healthcare since 1994. We have learned a lot of tips and tricks of the trade and we believe knowledge is power. We want to share that information with healthcare professionals who are exploring the travel industry for the first time. SUCCESS is what Fidelity On Call strives for with every traveler.

GET ORGANIZED– Health documentation and complete work history are very important no matter what travel company you choose to work with and no matter what hospital you go to. For example, vaccine documentation, if you took any breaks in your professional work history etc. Keep a binder with up-to-date work history, immunizations, certifications, etcetera! Trust us when we suggest the binder or electronic record storage app.

Be Flexible to location, setting and facility. Sometimes a new traveler must have one successful contract under their belt before your desired facility/unit will allow you to be submitted. A good recruiter can help you get a contract – maybe not exactly what you want – that provides an opportunity that can then open the door to exactly what you want. It takes one successful contract to see many more doors open for you.

✓ Have a Positive Attitude! Stress is part of every job and going down the rabbit hole of negativity will 100% not help. Smile, breathe and remember you are there to be a seamless part of staffing, not part of the problem. You take care of the patients to the best of your ability and everything else really is not your problem.

✓ Always stay in contact with your Recruiter! Communication is critical in every relationship.

Travel Healthcare is such an exciting, nerve wracking, lots of questions industry. There are never too many questions you can ask to get as much information as possible before making the choice to jump in.  We have had a front row view of how this industry can be life changing for many healthcare professionals. These are just some simple tips and tricks to getting ahead of the game and to start you on the right path to success in travel healthcare

How Travelers Can Fight Inflation

We know everyone is feeling the effects of higher prices everywhere we turn – at the grocery store, at the pump, utility rates, housing rates etc. It is very frustrating for sure but there is GOOD news. There are many ways to save money.

Sometimes we forget that our budgets can still be very much in our control. When things are doing well, we tend to throw caution to the wind and forget the small changes we can make to save money. Therefore, we allow higher prices and convenience to dictate the way we spend our money.

We wanted to pull some quick tips together to share with you to help ease not only the financial burden but also the emotional toll inflation can take on you and your family.

1.       One of the easiest ways to control what you are spending is to TRACK it!

  •  MINT
  • Good Budget App
  • Expensify

These are three apps that you can download right to your phone that are highly recommended by financial experts! There are other apps as well.


2.       Fuel prices really hit the people who TRAVEL FOR A LIVING! We are thankful for the ability to reimburse our team for their mileage. We have had several travelers asking for higher stipends due to the increased fuel costs and, we would love to see the Federal Government raise the cents per mile to match what has happened with insanely high fuel prices but until that happens, we are unable to do more than we are. Until then, check out the following as options to save in fuel costs.

  • Gas Buddy App
  • Gas Guru
  • AAA Trip Tik Travel Planner

Again, there are other apps but these three are proven winners we have heard about from our team and also recommended by financial experts.


3.       Everyone has to eat! Grocery costs going up affect not just what you buy at the store but the costs for the mom-and-pop diners that are just trying to get by. Those dinner tickets at your local watering holes and eating establishments are going up and that leaves many people wondering if they can even afford to patronize those establishments. Here are some great ways to save money and continue to enjoy eating out.

  • Plan your meals! Make a grocery list and menu!
  • Choose the days you want to eat out and maybe opt for the special deal on those days.
  • If you eat lunch out every day, try packing your lunch a few days and eat out others.

These are just a few ways to get control over your expenses and fight inflation. We hope you will share these and any others you may know with others who are worried. We can all help each other!