Summer Is Great for Travel – As Well As Safety

Summer is just around the corner and as many of us know, it can sometimes be one of the most chaotic. Between kids being home on summer break to going on family vacations, summer is always bound to make a splash.

Summer is also a great opportunity to take on a change. Contracts may be finishing out, vacation time might be in, and the yearn to explore may be strong.

But even the most seasoned of our travel nurses may need a reminder about travel safety when exploring both within and outside of our country.

We value the safety of our travelers, both when they are at work and when they are off. Here are some travel safety tips to keep you and your loved ones safe during the summer time:

  • Share Travel Plans: No matter the destination, sharing plans is a key way to make sure you are safe. Sharing with a loved one or trusted friend can be key in making sure you stay safe on your journey. Be sure to include an itinerary, the address, and a phone number. Check in every once in a while to let them know that you are safe, and everything is going as it should.


  • Do Your Research: It is common to want to explore a new place while on your summer vacation. While this may be fun, be sure to do your research about the place you are planning to explore. How does their transportation work? Do you need to take cash with you? If you are going out of the country, do they have an embassy or consulate you can register with as a traveler? Is there a hospital in the area? Perhaps security or local police?
  • Important Documents: If you are going outside of the country, be sure to have copies of documents such as your IDs and visas if you have them. Consider registering with the local embassy so they also have your passport information in case it is lost or stolen.
  • Be Aware: This is perhaps the most important. Be aware of your surroundings, where you are or plan on going. Keep an eye out for those you are traveling with and all belongings. Enjoy your time on vacation, but continually be aware of your surroundings.

There is much more that could be said for travel safety, but being aware of some of the basics can help to protect you when traveling and vacationing this summer. We hope your trip is amazing, and can’t wait to hear all about it!