Summer Safety

Summer Heat Requires Summer Safety

With spring in full bloom, summer is just around the corner. Many of us might be excited about going to the pool, taking a vacation, camping, or just being out and about in the sun.

The safety and health of our team members is one of our top priorities. While we are all excited to hear about your next adventure, we want to remind our superhero nurses to watch out for themselves as much as they watch out for others. Summer may be fun and warm, but there are some dangerous and even sneaky illnesses that can occur when you are having the most fun.

Below are some common illnesses that can happen to anyone during the hottest time of year, and some preventatives to battle them with.


As one of the most common medical emergencies in the summer, making sure to drink plenty of fluids when out in the sun is important to keep yourself healthy. It is important to remember that if you are severely dehydrated, this must be treated in a medical facility. While your first thought might be to push as many fluids as possible as soon as possible, this can potentially do more harm than good. Sip slowly and allow your body to catch up.

Sun Poisoning

A simple sunburn is not uncommon in the summer, however, a severe sunburn, aka sun poisoning, is a bit more serious. This can form blisters, bumps, and a rash on your skin from exposure. Sun poisoning can last for 2 to 3 days or persist for weeks with flu-like symptoms. So it is important to ensure that you, and those you are close with, wear sunscreen, reapply, and take some breaks in the shade to protect your skin.

Heat Exhaustion

As your body temperature continues to rise, and struggles to cool down, heat exhaustion can take over. Signs are excessive sweating and a rapid, weak heart rate. A person’s skin may be clammy, and they may be dizzy and/or nauseous. Their muscles might start cramping due to the heat and dehydration. This is reversible, by getting to a cooler area and using cold compresses to bring the body’s temperature back down.

Heat Stroke

This occurs when the body’s temperature goes over 103 degrees Fahrenheit, and the person is no longer sweating. They might now have a pounding headache, vomiting, and a rapid strong pulse. Their skin is red hot, and they might become unconscious. When this occurs, medical attention is immediately necessary.

Summer can be one of the best times of the year and we share these tips out of an abundance of caution. We hope you have a very safe and healthy summer! Can’t wait to see those vacation photos.