Sounds Like Big Money

We know a lot of nurses that were offered $10,000 bonuses or more to leave travel and work staff. Most of these bonuses came with a two year commitment and lower hourly pay but it just sounded so good – $10,000!

Well, we want you to think about that one and calculate it out. When you work full time (36 hours a week), that averages out to only 2.67/hour. Plus, you no longer have your recruiter in your corner, you no longer can stay out of the politics and you sure don’t have the freedom and flexibility we offer.

Think about it . . . then give us a call. We are here to help you achieve your goals!

Understanding Pay Packages

Pay packages posted on job boards for healthcare professionals are not one size fits all. There’s a lot that goes into calculating those pay packages and understanding how that works is so important.

In this video, Sr. Recruiting Specialist Carla Edwards, breaks it down for you and shares how we make sure our team members are taken care of at Fidelity On Call.

Feel free to reach out to us with questions you may have regarding pay packages. Send us a message!

Why Travel Pay Is NOT Tied to Your Performance

The differences between travel healthcare pay and staff pay have long been discussed. But more so recently due to the rapid way travel pay went up and now is returning to a new normal range. Many travelers are upset as they feel the lowering of rates is a direct reflection of their work performance, skill set, etc. Nothing could be any further from the truth.

Travel healthcare pay has always been determined by contracted bill rates that are negotiated with either the Vendor Management company and hospital or the hospital directly. The rates are determined by supply and demand, industry standards, and geographic area.

They also vary based on specialties. How the travelers pay is then computed from the specific bill rate is: travel distance, meal allowance, mileage allowances, housing allowances and then the hourly rate. There are lots of factors involved as it is not a one size fits all approach. Rates are not determined by any specific nurse going into that position. The bill rate is determined prior to the need ever getting placed with the agency or vendor. Whether that traveler has been there for one contract or 13 contracts, that travelers pay is not an individually made decision.

Staff pay used to be based on seniority, tenure on the job, performance etc. Seemingly hospitals’ standards for pay packages have changed greatly as well. We have seen nurses with one year being offered staff job pay packages which are the same as a nurse with 15 years of experience on the same job. While in the past staff job performance and tenure would rate pay, that does not seem to be the case now.

Our best definition of a traveler’s success has never been defined by pay. In fact, we don’t believe you should determine your worth by money. In the travel nurse industry, money comes and goes and while we understand its importance at the end of the day, one’s pay does not determine who one is as a person or better yet how they are as a healthcare provider. After all, we have all worked with someone who has been paid higher than us, that was not as knowledgeable or as good. Being asked to extend, or being invited back to a facility to help again, are two ways healthcare providers can know they have been a successful traveler.

In addition, notes of appreciation from your employer of appreciation, or above expectation contract evaluations, are other ways, we at Fidelity On Call feel that our team is valued and appreciated. Moreover, you need to determine that your worth is not based on a dollar sign. Your worth is so much more than that.

The Benefits of Working as a Travel Healthcare Provider

Money makes the world go around. No doubt. Those incredible crisis pay packages were something we never imagined would happen. But one thing about travel healthcare is to always expect the unexpected. That is another reason so many high-quality professionals seek travel assignments to avoid the same routine day in and day out. Same people, same providers, same environment. Why not change your scenery every 8-12 weeks?

While those historic pay packages are probably gone, the compensation for a travel healthcare provider usually far outweighs the pay for a staff healthcare person. Along with that pay are the perks that come in so much higher on the list of top qualities veteran healthcare travelers look for in a company.

To be a successful healthcare traveler, you must ensure you work for a financially healthy travel agency. A company that has longevity in the industry and a successful track record of paying their employees. Additionally, what do the agencies’ clients say about them?

    • Is direct deposit available?
    • How simple is the payroll system? Is there a consistent pay schedule?
    • Are compensation packages outlined in a contract?
    • Does the agency have long-term established relationships with hospitals in the State you wish to work in?

Once you have ensured the travel agency is a quality reputable business, what about other perks the company offers?

      • What type of health insurance plan do they offer?
      • Is there dental insurance?
      • Vision options, short term disability, Life Insurance?
      • Is there a retirement savings plan?
      • Is there a continual education reimbursement?
      • Is there a new employee orientation process that outlines the company’s expectations, policies, and procedures?

Finally, how streamlined is the process from application to employment offer? Having a successful personal recruiter can make or break your experience and longevity in this industry that has been around over forty years.

      • Is your recruiter available and transparent?
      • Is the Agency available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Is there an on-call team available?
      • Are you able to express your goals and feel heard about those expectations?
      • How streamlined is the hiring process and onboarding process?
      • Most importantly, are you able to switch recruiters and remain in the same organization if there is not a connection between the two of you?

Travel Healthcare has been around for decades and is clearly here to stay for the foreseeable future. One year minimum of experience can potentially get you started on a twenty-plus-year career. You can stay close to home or travel as far as the roads or airlines can take you.

The personal and professional growth you can experience and gain from this industry is a rare opportunity, as not too many careers have such experiences to offer. Whether you travel for one or two contracts a year or year after year, the flexibility the industry has to offer is hands down second to none.