I Love Nursing

For Valentine’s Day, we asked some of our elite team members what they love about being a travel nurse. Here are their responses…

What I love is my career affords me to do what I love and love what I do. Healthcare is complicated and complex. Travel healthcare gives me flexibility to change up the location, the type of units I work which, in turn, allows me to be a happier version of me and my family reaps in that happiness. – Jessica B

Travel nursing has improved my work/life balance by allowing me to have input on my schedule and when I need time off. I was able to take 8 weeks off over the summer to spend time with baby girl and I wouldn’t have had that chance if it wasn’t for Fidelity On Call. – Emma S

What I love most about my job is being able to provide excellent patient care during a patient’s most vulnerable moments! – Nichole C

Before I was a nurse I was employed in the travel industry for almost 20 years. I worked for a hotel chain, an airline and finally as a travel agent. Fast forward to now and I get to do the 2 things I love the most in the world (besides my son) – travel and nursing. I’m hoping to venture out of Central Illinois in a few years and travel to fun places where I can work and adventure. And because of Fidelity On Call, I can do this!!! – Angela H

I love being a nurse because I get to work with a great team who are as passionate and caring about their patients as I am. I get to meet people from diverse backgrounds, and I am always learning something new. I love that I get to be a part of my patients’ journey to recovery and that I can have a positive impact on their lives. – Kevin T

Simply put: I love being a nurse. I love helping patients during their time of need. I love educating families about the healing process. I love forming life-long bonds with my co-workers . . . even if I only work with them for 13 weeks. I love advocating for patient safety. I love teaching the next generation of nurses. P.S. I also love being paid what I’m worth, which seems to be only obtained through travel nursing. – Heather W

My number one goal is to provide outstanding care and to build trust from my patients and their loved ones. I truly appreciate that Carla is always there for me anytime I call. – Kennetria H

I love LOVE! I love my family and friends and LOVE taking care of people. I love my recruiters. I love my employer Fidelity On Call, I just love LOVE TO LOVE! – Mary L

Protect Yourself From Workplace Violence

Did you know that the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) classifies workplace violence into four basic types? Types II and III are the most common in the health care industry.

  • Type I: Involves “criminal intent.” In this type of workplace violence, “individuals with criminal intent have no relationship to the business or its employees.”
  • Type II: Involves a customer, client, or patient. In this type, an “individual has a relationship with the business and becomes violent while receiving services.”
  • Type III: Involves a “worker-on-worker” relationship and includes “employees who attack or threaten another employee.”
  • Type IV: Involves personal relationships. It includes “individuals who have interpersonal relationships with the intended target but no relationship to the business” (Iowa Prevention Research Center, 2001; NIOSH, 2006, 2013).

It is disheartening to realize that the very people who provide care, compassion, and medical assistance, and in many cases save a person’s life, are on the receiving end of violence. While we do acknowledge that many of our clients have excellent security and steps in place to help prevent such occurrences, we know there is a long way to go for many facilities and there must be an overhaul to stop such violence. Fidelity On Call acknowledges there are many contributing factors to the increase of workplace violence.

Here are some tips that we can offer travelers to help avoid and/or educate themselves for such events happening to them while on assignment.

1) De-escalation training

Knowing how to defuse a hostile situation has been shown to be more effective than having armed guards in a hospital. Formal training in how to de-escalate a tense situation or encounter can have a major impact on the safety of doctors, nurses, guards, or other staff members. There are classes available online and in-person.

2) Ask to review the facility you are contracted at WPV Prevention Plan

We must acknowledge that there is an abnormally high risk of workplace violence breaking out in hospitals and clinics around the country and arm ourselves with as much information as we can. As a traveler, you may not be receiving the same thorough orientation as a staff member would. However, you can ask what the plan is for the facility, so you know how the facility would handle workplace violence and they have a plan in place should it occur.

In short, if you have a concern about a facility you are contracted in, you should immediately reach out to your recruiter to get further information. Your SAFETY is our PRIORITY.

6 Ways for Travel Nurses to Manage Stress

Today, life is not what we would call normal. Prior to 2020’s pandemic, we all went about our lives without much thought to what was happening in our country and the world.  We handled the day-to-day stress of home and job in a much different way than we can right now.

Now, we no longer know what each day will bring.  In our industry, there has been extra turmoil. People are angry. They are more easily upset. Patients are combative. Things that would have previously “rolled off our backs” no longer do so.

Continue reading 6 Ways for Travel Nurses to Manage Stress

The First Phone Call Forms a Lasting Impression

“I’m worth big bucks. What are you going to pay me?”

Because Fidelity On Call works in the “people business,” it is sometimes hard to tell if you are getting the right person. A good indication we are talking to a quality nurse is how the conversation starts.

If a nurse says, “I’m worth big bucks. What are you going to pay me,” it is obvious that their focus is wrong. They are in it for the dollar and truly care little about the patients.

Our nurses receive top pay, tax free allowances, bonuses and more, but their focus is on providing the best of care for their patients and being a seamless part of the hospital’s team.

We thoroughly reference check – not just dates of employment – and we talk with their previous supervisors. Also, members of Fidelity On Call’s elite team pass a national criminal background check, have a discipline-free license and are subjected to so many other quality checks they are too numerous to list.

Yes, we want to take care of our nurses. But, it can never be at the expense of quality patient care.

To see if you qualify to be a member of our elite team, call us today!

Fidelity On Call’s Series on Travel Nursing

Welcome to Fidelity On Call’s series where we discuss all things related to travel nursing. We’ll answer frequently asked questions and share tips on how to make the most of your travel nursing career.

Our series is co-hosted by: Kellie Short, Sr Recruiting Specialist and General Sales Manager; and Carla Edwards, Recruiting Specialist.

Segment 1: Attitude | Fidelity On Call’s Series on Travel Nursing

In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk about the importance of having a good attitude, and share why it’s a big factor for the members of our elite team of travel nurses.

Segment 2: Holidays | Fidelity On Call’s Series on Travel Nursing

The holidays are coming, will you be working or not? Kellie and Carla discuss what a travel nurse can expect.

Segment 3: Allowances | Fidelity On Call’s Series on Travel Nursing

In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk about tax-free allowances. Some agencies offer packages with big tax free-allowances, but don’t mention you’ll have to pay it back to the IRS!

Segment 4: The Love of the Patient | Fidelity On Call’s Series on Travel Nursing

In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk about our mission and some of the traits we are looking for when considering a travel nurse to be on our elite team. Plus, Carla tells a touching story about how one of our nurses went the extra mile with a patient’s family.

Segment 5: Our Team Organization | Fidelity On Call’s Series on Travel Nursing

In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk our team organization and how we set a higher standard for ourselves to bring the best opportunities to our elite team of nurses.

Segment 6: Why Travel Nursing?

In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk about some great advantages to becoming a travel nurse including: Flexibility, getting to choose your next assignment, opportunities to learn and grow, and more.

Segment 7: Adapting to Change

In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk about how being able to adapt to change is important for a traveler to be successful.

Segment 8: Integrity

In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk about the integrity and the principles that Fidelity On Call holds true, and why upholding that mission has been so important since our inception in 1994.

Special Segment: Allied Health Openings

Kellie and Carla share about the opportunities that Fidelity On Call has – not just for nursing! There are openings right now with allied positions ranging from Respiratory Therapist, Surgical Tech, X-Ray Tech, LPN and more. Give us a call! (309) 691-1500.

Segment 09: Red Flags

In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk about red flags. As nurse recruiters, these are the things we hear most often that travel nurses need to watch out for…

Segment 10: Client Red Flags

We work with hundreds of hospitals in the state of Illinois. In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk about concerns clients share with us, that are red flag issues they’ve had with other agencies and travelers.

Segment 11: Team Support

Our recruiting team doesn’t just back up our team, we coach, mentor, and support them In this episode, Kellie and Carla talk about some of the ways we are there for the travel nurses on our elite team.

Stay tuned for more episodes of our series on travel nursing…