How to help BEAT the SICK Season

How to help BEAT the SICK Season

As the weather changes, one thing is certain: SICK SEASON is quickly approaching. As we spend more time indoors, this time of year brings sicknesses that spread. We wanted to share some tips on helping to keep yourself and your family as healthy as possible.

WASH YOUR HANDS – Lather those hands both front and back and between your fingers, under your nails and scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.

AVOID TOUCHING YOUR EYES, NOSE and MOUTH – Use scented soap or lotions to bring increased awareness of your hands being near your eyes, nose, and mouth.

GET PLENTY OF REST – practicing good bedtime routines to get the right amount of consistent sleep and not allow yourself to become sleep-deprived. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps tremendously with a routine of healthy sleep habits.

MOVE YOUR BODY – moving your body and maintaining some physical activity helps to lower stress levels and manage stress, which helps your immune system work as it is designed to.

DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS – WATER is key, along with a nutritious meal plan, which makes all the difference in how you feel day in and day out. It can help to take a good-quality probiotic. A healthy gut helps tremendously with overall good health.

LAST but not LEAST, if you are feeling off, say no to leisurely plans or extracurricular activities for an evening. Stay in and get a little extra rest. Take care of YOU, so you may continue to take care of others. That means so much to you and those patients who desperately need your care.