How to help BEAT the SICK Season

As the weather changes, one thing is certain: SICK SEASON is quickly approaching. As we spend more time indoors, this time of year brings sicknesses that spread. We wanted to share some tips on helping to keep yourself and your family as healthy as possible.

WASH YOUR HANDS – Lather those hands both front and back and between your fingers, under your nails and scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.

AVOID TOUCHING YOUR EYES, NOSE and MOUTH – Use scented soap or lotions to bring increased awareness of your hands being near your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Continue reading How to help BEAT the SICK Season

For Your Mental Health Resources

Speak Up™ For Your Mental Health is a new patient safety campaign from The Joint Commission offering free materials for healthcare workers to download and provide to patients and their families. This campaign includes:

  • An animated video, in both English and Spanish
  • Infographics, in both English and Spanish
  • A Speak Up™ User’s Guide on how and to whom organizations can distribute materials

Click here to access all the resources.

The Join Commission advises that mental health is just as important as someone’s physical health. Depression and other mental health issues are common, and like physical illnesses they need to be treated.

Speak Up™ For Your Mental Health, a patient safety campaign from The Joint Commission, is designed to educate patients on how to advocate for themselves and their mental health.

Healthcare Burnout: Advice from Liz Pollack Part 4

As part of our series on healthcare burnout, certified executive and personal life coach, Liz Pollack, shares things you can do if you are experiencing burnout now.

Our special series with Liz includes:

Part 1: Learn more about burnout and take an assessment
Part 2: Learn to recognize the signs of burnout
Part 3: Learn techniques to avoid conflict when dealing with burnout

Watch those videos and get the free resources (burnout assessment and conflict styles inventory) – just click on the link for each part above.

Liz is a Certified Executive and Personal Life Coach, Grief Counselor, and Pet Loss Grief Counselor. She can help you learn to cope in many ways – work, home, grief, relationships, etc.

She is available at 309.370.4492 or email:

Healthcare Burnout: Advice from Liz Pollack Part 3

As part of our series on healthcare burnout, certified executive and personal life coach, Liz Pollack, shares techniques on how to deal with difficult people in the workplace.

Click to download the Conflict Inventory resource from Liz

We want to thank Liz Pollack for not only sharing this resource but also for
her expertise as we work through this video series.

Liz is a Certified Executive and Personal Life Coach, Grief Counselor, and Pet Loss Grief Counselor. She can help you learn to cope in many ways – work, home, grief, relationships, etc.

She is available at 309.370.4492 or email:

Healthcare Burnout: Advice from Liz Pollack Part 2

In our ongoing series on burnout, Liz Pollock talks about the two types of fatigue that healthcare workers often experience: General fatigue, and fatigue of compassion. Listen to learn more about each one so you can recognize the signs.

Liz is a Certified Executive and Personal Life Coach, Grief Counselor, and Pet Loss Grief Counselor. She can help you learn to cope in many ways – work, home, grief, relationships, etc.

She is available at 309.370.4492 or email:

To access the assessment mentioned in this video, click here.