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What Motivates You?

There are five factors experts say that motivate working professionals:

• Challenging Work
• Recognition
• Employee involvement
• Job Security
• Compensation

Fidelity On Call’s recruitment specialists pride themselves in seeking and recruiting successful healthcare providers and learning what motivates those professionals considering travel healthcare.

Challenging Work

Do you thrive on challenging work? Many healthcare providers find they love the float component of travel nursing. When floating, healthcare providers help in a variety of complex units and obtain additional acute skills and learn to use more critical thinking. Studies find that challenges help to stimulate your brain function and help to curb healthcare burnout, depression, and anxiety.


Perhaps recognition is something that motivates you. Working for the right travel company that is sufficiently staffed internally with high quality healthcare recruiters can ensure you are always recognized for not only the BIG accomplishments but all the little ones in between. Additionally, we send cards of congratulations, anniversaries, birthdays, condolences, and life’s milestones. They are important to you which makes them important to your employer or should. Shout outs in a monthly newsletter, end of contract evaluations, offers of extensions, exciting new opportunity offers are all examples of recognition of a job well done.

Employee Involvement

Perhaps the idea of employee involvement motivates you and gets you excited. Fidelity On Call for example enjoys and offers employee contests throughout the year to have some fun. We have had tailgates, open houses, sponsored local events for travelers, participated in fairs, etc. Your feedback is always important to what is trending, what the word on the street is. Also, the most exciting way to be involved is the great referral program we have. We love to hear that a new traveler was referred to us by an elite team member.

Travel Healthcare is always evolving. We have been here since 1994, so like the Farmer’s Insurance commercial “we know a few things because we have seen a few things.” The same is true of us. We have a solid business rating; we have excellent references and a solid reputation. Keeping our employees working is always at the top when it comes to business decisions. Our company has never missed a payroll.

Job Security

When facilities say their goal is to “get rid of travelers“ it truly worries our team members. However, for nearly 30 years, we have heard those words. If any one client filled their needs, another one facility would have openings. Staffing shortages are not a new challenge. They are an on-going, never ending challenge. And, remember, we have a wide net of clients.


Lastly, compensation is incredibly important and a motivating factor for healthcare providers. Travel healthcare is very lucrative. The most important thing to know is that travel healthcare pay is not one size fits all. The pay packages are made up of tax-free stipends, to cover, mileage, meal and housing allowances, along with a competitive hourly rate. Travel healthcare packages are not composed the same as staff pay packages.

When selecting whether to work as a staff healthcare provider or a travel healthcare provider, one thing is for sure, you must do what lights the fire inside your soul. Be bold and be brave. Take chances and find out what motivates you because you cannot go wrong. Travel healthcare will always be around and staffing healthcare opportunities will always be around. The ball is in your court.