Kellie Short Certificate of Appreciation

Kellie Short Receives Certificate of Appreciation for Her COVID-19 Contribution

We were thrilled to receive the very unexpected recognition of Kellie Short for her COVID-19 contribution. Kellie is our Sr. Recruiting Specialist and the General Sales Manager for Fidelity On Call.

Here’s the information that was provided regarding this special recognition:

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Ms. Kellie Short was nominated for a Certificate of Appreciation because she recognizes, honors, and complies with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. She provides her managers and supervisors with the tools they need to effectively manage employees and the spouses of those who serve in the Guard and Reserve. She appreciates the values, leadership, and unique skills Service members and their spouses bring to the workforce and will encourage opportunities to hire Guardsmen, Reservists, Veterans and their spouses. She continually recognizes and supports our country’s Service members and their families, in peace, in crises, and in war.

An employee serving in the National Guard or Reserve, or the spouse of a Guard or Reserve member, may nominate individual supervisors and bosses for support provided directly to the nominating Service member and his or her family. The Certificate of Appreciation reflects the efforts made by individual employers and first line supervisors to support citizen warriors and their spouses through a wide-range of measures including flexible schedules, time off prior to and after deployment, caring for families, and granting leaves of absence to spouses, if needed.

The spouse of a Reservist or Guardsman may also nominate their boss for the Certificate of Appreciation. Though not required by law, many employers voluntarily assist Guard and Reserve spouses, who often share the challenges of military service. Some of the challenges facing the spouses of Service Members include increase in childcare services needed, managing the household, and managing work schedules which often have to be adjusted when one spouse leaves home to serve our country.

Very deserved, Kellie, thank you for making it happen!