National Nurses Week 2024

Happy Nurses Week!

Fidelity On Call is happy to celebrate National Nurses Week (May 6 to May 12) with you all! Healthcare never sleeps, and all of you make this machine run all day, every day across the nation.

For those who didn’t know, this week was first brought up back in October of 1954, but wasn’t officially recognized until 1990. While it took some time for it to be made official, we are here ready to scream from the rooftops our support for our nurses everywhere!

Healthcare is a vital part of our society and allows everyone to go about their day to day lives, as healthy and as safely as they can. Nurses are there for people through the hardest of times, and the happiest of times. This week we are here to appreciate all the things you do.

This week is important in recognizing the true heroes that we are surrounded by every single day. Nurses make the difference for everyone, everywhere, at one point or another in each individual life. We simply would be lost without you all.

In order to celebrate we are posting all week long to honor our very special nurses! We have designed custom T-shirts for our team that you will be receiving shortly and are looking forward to celebrating all that you do! We can’t thank you enough for being a part of our team.

You are special to all of us at Fidelity On Call, and we are ready to give the recognition and thanks that you deserve. Happy Nurses Week!